Home » Entities
- Advanced Engineering Materials And Composites (AEMC)
- Advanced Lightning And Power Energy Research (ALPER)
- Environmental Forensics (ENFORCE)
- Enzyme & Microbial Technology Research Centre (EMTECH)
- Integrated Chemical Biophysics Research Centre (I-CHEBP)
- Nutrition And Non-Communicable Diseases (NNCD)
- Pusat Kecemerlangan Penyelidikan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Inovatif (INNOVATE)
- Ruminant Diseases (RUMINANT)
- Smart Farming Technology (SFTRC)
- Wireless And Photonic Networks (WIPNET)
- Agriculture
- Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Design and Architecture
- Educational Studies
- Engineering
- Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (UPMKB)
- Faculty of Humanities, Management and Science (UPMKB)
- Food Science and Technology
- Forestry and Environment
- Human Ecology
- Medicine and Health Sciences
- Modern Language and Communication
- Science
- Veterinary Medicine
- Halal Products Research Institute (IPPH)
- Institute of Ecosystem Science Borneo (UPMKB)
- Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ION2)
- Institute of Plantation Studies (IKP)
- International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (i-AQUAS)
- Institute for Mathematical Research (INSPEM)
- Institute for Social Science Studies (IPSAS)
- Malaysian Research Institute on Ageing (MyAgeing®)
- Alumni Relations Centre
- Centre for Corporate Strategy and Relations (PSPK)
- Centre for Diagnostic Nuclear Imaging (PPDN)
- Centre for Industry Relations and Networks (CiRNeT)
- Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA)
- Centre for the Advancement of Language Competence (CALC)
- Centre of Academic Development and Leadership Excellence (CADe-Lead)
- Centre of Entrepreneurial Development and Graduate Marketability (CEM)
- Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science (ASPer)
- Centre for Management of Waqf, Zakat and Infaq (WAZAN)
- Co-Curriculum and Student Development Centre (PKPP)
- InfoComm Development Centre (iDEC)
- Putra Agriculture Centre (PAC)
- PUTRA International Centre (i-PUTRA)
- Research Management Centre (RMC)
- Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Arts and Cultural Centre
- University Community Transformation Centre (UCTC)
- University Health Centre (PKU)
- University Islamic Centre
- Kesatuan Kakitangan Am Universiti Putra Malaysia (KEPERTAMA)
- Kesatuan Kakitangan Sokongan UPM Kampus Bintulu (KEPEKASA)
- Koperasi Universiti Putra Malaysia Berhad (KUPUTRA)
- Persatuan Alumni Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Persatuan Pegawai Akademik UPM (PPAUPM)
- Persatuan Penolong Pegawai Sains (PPSUPM)
- Persatuan Pentadbir UPM (PPUPM)
- Persatuan Wanita UPM (PERMATA)
- Science Officer Association of UPM (PScUPM)
- Kesatuan Mahasiswa UPM